

The useFetchSingleEntity hook is used to retrieve details of a specific entity by providing one of its identifiers, such as entityId, referenceId, or shortId. This hook can optionally create a new entity if it is not found, depending on the configuration provided during initialization.

Usage Example

import { useFetchSingleEntity } from "@replyke/react-js";
function EntityDetails({ entityId }: { entityId: string }) {
  const fetchSingleEntity = useFetchSingleEntity();
  const handleFetchEntity = async () => {
    try {
      const entity = await fetchSingleEntity({
      console.log("Fetched entity:", entity);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Failed to fetch entity:", error.message);
  return <button onClick={handleFetchEntity}>Fetch Entity Details</button>;

Parameters & Returns


The hook returns a function that accepts an object with the following fields:

entityIdstringNoThe unique ID of the entity to fetch.
referenceIdstringNoA reference ID that can be used to identify the entity.
shortIdstringNoA short identifier for the entity.

At least one of entityId, referenceId, or shortId must be provided.


The function resolves with an object representing the fetched entity:

Return ValueTypeDescription
EntityobjectThe details of the retrieved entity.