

The useVerifyExternalUser hook allows you to verify an external user by passing a securely signed JWT containing the user’s details. This function ensures that the user is authenticated and authorized by your system.

Usage Example

import { useVerifyExternalUser } from "@replyke/react-js";
function VerifyUser() {
  const verifyExternalUser = useVerifyExternalUser();
  const handleVerify = async () => {
    try {
      const result = await verifyExternalUser({
        userJwt: "securely-signed-jwt", // Replace with the actual JWT
      console.log("User verification successful:", result);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("User verification failed:", error.message);
  return <button onClick={handleVerify}>Verify User</button>;

Parameters & Returns


The hook returns a function that accepts an object with the following fields:

userJwtstringYesA securely signed JWT containing the external user’s details.


The function resolves with an object containing the verification result. The exact structure of the returned data depends on your system’s implementation.