Sign Out



Method: POST

Authentication Required: Yes (Requires a valid refresh token)


This endpoint allows users to sign out by invalidating their refresh token. While Replyke does not have explicit sign-up or sign-in endpoints, the verify-external-user endpoint acts as both a sign-up and sign-in mechanism. Developers must call this endpoint when a user logs out from their app to ensure that the refresh token is invalidated; otherwise, the user may still be considered signed in within the Replyke system.



  • Content-Type: application/json

Body Parameters

refreshTokenstringNoRefresh token (if not provided via cookie).


Success Response (204 No Content)

This endpoint always returns a 204 No Content response, regardless of whether a refresh token was found and invalidated. There is no response body.

Error Responses

Internal Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)

  "error": "Internal server error."

Reason: An unexpected error occurred while processing the request.


  • If a refresh token is provided via cookies, it is cleared when this endpoint is called.
  • If a valid refresh token exists in the database, it is deleted to prevent further use.
  • A 204 No Content response is always returned, even if the token was not found, to prevent information leaks.
  • Developers must call this endpoint when logging a user out to fully terminate their session in Replyke’s authentication system.