

The useIsEntitySaved hook is used to determine whether a specific entity is saved in the user’s lists. It provides a simple mechanism to check the saved status of an entity and cache the result to avoid redundant requests.

Usage Example

import { useIsEntitySaved } from "@replyke/react-js";
function EntitySaveStatus({ entityId }: { entityId: string }) {
  const { checkIfEntityIsSaved, entityIsSaved } = useIsEntitySaved();
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [entityId, checkIfEntityIsSaved]);
  return (
      {entityIsSaved === null ? "Checking..." : entityIsSaved ? "Entity is saved" : "Entity is not saved"}

Parameters & Returns


The hook provides a function that accepts the following parameter:

entityIdstringYesThe ID of the entity to check.


The hook returns the following:

Return ValueTypeDescription
checkIfEntityIsSaved(entityId: string) => voidA function to check if the specified entity is saved.
entityIsSavedboolean | nullThe saved status of the entity (true, false, or null if not yet checked).