React & React NativeHooksCommentsuseCreateComment



The useCreateComment hook allows users to add a new comment to an entity or reply to an existing comment. It supports optional mentions within the comment content, enabling tagging other users.

Usage Example

import { useCreateComment } from "@replyke/react-js";
function AddComment({ entityId }: { entityId: string }) {
  const createComment = useCreateComment();
  const handleAddComment = async () => {
    try {
      const newComment = await createComment({
        content: "This is a new comment!",
        mentions: [{ userId: "123", username: "JohnDoe" }],
      console.log("Comment added successfully:", newComment);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Failed to add comment:", error.message);
  return <button onClick={handleAddComment}>Add Comment</button>;

Parameters & Returns


The hook returns a function that accepts an object with the following fields:

entityIdstringYesThe ID of the entity to which the comment is added.
parentCommentIdstring | nullNoThe ID of the parent comment (for replies).
contentstringYesThe text content of the comment.
mentionsMention[]NoAn array of mentions to include in the comment.


The function resolves with the newly created comment object:

Return ValueTypeDescription
CommentTypeCommentTypeThe details of the newly created comment.