Notification Templates

Customizing Notification Templates

Replyke supports a wide range of notification types, and developers can fully customize the titles and content of these notifications to provide a tailored user experience. Notification templates allow for dynamic messages using placeholders, which are replaced with relevant event data.

Notification Types and Data

Replyke generates the following notification types, each with its own set of available data:

Notification TypeAvailable Data
entityCommententityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, commentId, commentContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
commentReplyentityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, commentId, commentContent, replyId, replyContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
entityMentionentityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
commentMentionentityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, commentId, commentContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
entityUpvoteentityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
commentUpvoteentityId, entityShortId, entityTitle, entityContent, commentId, commentContent, initiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar
newFollowinitiatorId, initiatorName, initiatorUsername, initiatorAvatar

How Templates Work

Developers can provide templates for notification title, content, both, or none. If no template is provided for a particular type, Replyke defaults to the standard messages.

Templates are simple strings where placeholders (indicated by $) are replaced with the corresponding event data.

Example 1: Template for entityComment

Event data:

  "entityTitle": "This was a great day",
  "entityContent": "so much fun",
  "commentContent": "you guys look great",
  "initiatorName": "jeff",
  "initiatorUsername": "jef124",
  "initiatorAvatar": ""


  "title": "$initiatorName left a comment on your post \"$entityTitle\"",
  "content": "$commentContent"

Rendered Notification:

  • Title: jeff left a comment on your post "This was a great day"
  • Content: you guys look great

Example 2: Template for newFollow

Event data:

  "initiatorName": "Alice",
  "initiatorUsername": "alice2023",
  "initiatorAvatar": ""


  "title": "$initiatorName started following you!",
  "content": "Check out their profile: @$initiatorUsername"

Rendered Notification:

  • Title: Alice started following you!
  • Content: Check out their profile: @alice2023

Example 3: Template for commentReply

Event data:

  "entityTitle": "Great Recipe Ideas",
  "entityContent": "Explore these amazing dishes",
  "commentContent": "This was so helpful!",
  "replyContent": "Glad you liked it!",
  "initiatorName": "John",
  "initiatorUsername": "john123",
  "initiatorAvatar": ""


  "title": "$initiatorName replied to your comment on \"$entityTitle\"",
  "content": "$replyContent"

Rendered Notification:

  • Title: John replied to your comment on "Great Recipe Ideas"
  • Content: Glad you liked it!

Flexible Customization

  • Templates provide flexibility by allowing developers to tailor notifications to their app’s tone and style.
  • We can customize only specific notification types which need customization, while others can retain the default format.
  • Developers can focus on user engagement by crafting relevant and meaningful notifications that reflect user activity.

With these tools, creating engaging and personalized notifications becomes straightforward, ensuring an enhanced user experience.