The useFetchSubLists
hook is used to retrieve the sublists of a specified parent list within the current project. This is useful for navigating hierarchical list structures and fetching child lists dynamically.
Usage Example
import { useFetchSubLists } from "@replyke/react-js";
function SubListsDisplay({ currentList }: { currentList: List }) {
const fetchSubLists = useFetchSubLists();
const handleFetchSubLists = async () => {
try {
const subLists = await fetchSubLists({ currentList });
console.log("Fetched sublists:", subLists);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to fetch sublists:", error.message);
return <button onClick={handleFetchSubLists}>Fetch Sub Lists</button>;
Parameters & Returns
The hook returns a function that accepts an object with the following field:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
currentList | List | Yes | The parent list whose sublists are to be fetched. |
The function resolves with an array of sublists:
Return Value | Type | Description |
List[] | List[] | An array of sublists associated with the specified parent list. |