

The useInfusedData hook is used to enrich a list of entities with external data that is not stored in Replyke’s system. By providing a custom infuseData function, this hook fetches additional details for each entity using its referenceId. It also caches the fetched data to minimize redundant network requests and optimizes performance by only refetching data when the entities change.

Usage Example

import { useInfusedData } from "@replyke/react-js";
function InfusedEntityList({ entities }: { entities: Entity[] }) {
  const infusedEntities = useInfusedData({
    infuseData: async (referenceId) => {
      // Example API call to fetch external data
      const response = await fetch(`${referenceId}`);
      if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch data");
      return response.json();
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>
          {entity.title} - Additional Data: {JSON.stringify(entity.infusion)}

Parameters & Returns


The hook accepts an object with the following fields:

entitiesEntity[]YesThe list of entities to be infused with external data.
infuseData(referenceId: string) => Promise<Record<string, any> | null>NoA function to fetch external data for an entity by its referenceId.


The hook returns a list of infused entities:

Return ValueTypeDescription
infusedEntities(Entity & { infusion: Record<string, any> })[]The enriched list of entities with external data included.