React & React NativeApp notificationsApp Notifications Provider and useAppNotifications Hook

App Notifications Provider and useAppNotifications Hook

Like other features of Replyke, the notifications feature uses a context provider and an easy-to-use hook.

To enable notifications, wrap the content that needs access to the notifications data and functionality with the AppNotificationsProvider.

Once wrapped, any child components can access the notifications data and functionality via the useAppNotifications hook.

AppNotificationsProvider Props

The AppNotificationsProvider accepts two optional props:

  1. limit: Specifies the number of notifications to fetch per batch. This strikes a balance between efficiency and the number of API calls. The default value is 10, which is suitable for most use cases.

  2. notificationTemplates: An object containing templates to customize notification messages. If not provided, default templates are used. This feature will be explored in a subsequent chapter.

Using the useAppNotifications Hook

The useAppNotifications hook provides the following data and functions:

interface AppNotificationsContextValues  {
  appNotifications: UnifiedAppNotification[];
  unreadAppNotificationsCount: number;
  loading: boolean;
  hasMore: boolean;
  loadMore: () => void;
  markNotificationAsRead: (notificationId: string) => Promise<void>;
  resetAppNotifications: () => Promise<void>;

Available Data:

  1. appNotifications: An array of all fetched notifications, ordered by creation time.

  2. unreadAppNotificationsCount: The number of unread notifications.

  3. loading: A flag indicating if more notifications are currently being fetched.

  4. hasMore: A flag indicating if there are more notifications to fetch.

Available Functions:

  1. loadMore: Fetches the next batch of notifications.

  2. markNotificationAsRead: Expects a notification ID, and marks that notification as “read”.

  3. resetAppNotifications: Resets and refetches notifications, starting with the first batch.

Creating an Engaging Notifications Experience

With the data and functions provided by the useAppNotifications hook, developers can create a dynamic and engaging notifications experience for users. Subsequent chapters will delve deeper into customizing notification templates and advanced integration techniques.