API EndpointsStorageUpload File

API Endpoint Documentation: Upload a File


URL: /:projectId/storage/

Method: POST

Authentication Required: Yes (Access Token in Authorization Header)


This endpoint allows an authenticated user to upload a file to storage within a specified project. The uploaded file is processed, validated, and stored, returning metadata such as the file ID, relative path, and public URL.


Path Parameters

projectIdstringYesThe project ID associated with the request.


AuthorizationstringYesBearer token for authentication.

Body Parameters

fileFileYesThe file to be uploaded.
pathPartsstring[]YesAn array of strings representing the file storage path.

Example Request

POST /12345/storage/
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
(pathParts as JSON in form-data)
file: <binary_file>


Success Response (200 OK)

  "fileId": "abc123",
  "relativePath": "uploads/folder/filename.png",
  "publicPath": "https://your-storage-url.com/uploads/folder/filename.png"

Error Responses

Invalid Request (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "pathParts must be an array of strings"

No File Provided (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "No file provided"

File Size Exceeds Limit (413 Payload Too Large)

  "error": "File size exceeds the allowed limit of 15MB"

Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)

  "error": "Server error"


  • This endpoint requires authentication.
  • The uploaded file is sanitized to ensure safe storage and retrieval.
  • The file size limit depends on your project’s plan.
  • The returned publicPath provides a direct link to access the uploaded file.
  • The file name and path are processed using transliteration for consistency.