API EndpointsAuthenticationVerify External User

User Authentication via JWT


URL: https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/auth/verify-external-user

Method: POST

Authentication Required: No (Uses JWT validation)


This endpoint validates an externally issued JWT and returns authentication tokens for the user. The user must provide a properly signed JWT. If the user exists, their information is updated; otherwise, a new user is created.



  • Content-Type: application/json

Body Parameters

userJwtstringYesJWT signed by the external project’s private key.


Success Response (200 OK)

  "success": true,
  "accessToken": "<JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN>",
  "refreshToken": "<JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN>",
  "user": {
    "id": "<USER_ID>",
    "email": "<USER_EMAIL>",
    "name": "<USER_NAME>",
    "username": "<USER_USERNAME>",
    "avatar": "<USER_AVATAR>",
    "reputation": "<USER_REPUTATION>"

Cookies Set:

  • replyke-refresh-jwt: Refresh token stored as an HttpOnly cookie.

Error Responses

Missing userJwt (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "Missing userJwt"

Reason: The request must include a userJwt in the body.

Missing JWT Keys (403 Forbidden)

  "error": "Missing JWT keys"

Reason: The project has not set up its JWT signing keys in the dashboard. The user must generate and configure them.

Invalid Token (403 Forbidden)

  "error": "Invalid token"

Reason: The provided JWT could not be verified using the project’s public key. This could be due to an expired or incorrectly signed token.


  • The JWT must be signed using the project’s private key and verified against its stored public key.
  • Ensure the project has configured JWT keys in the dashboard.
  • Refresh tokens are stored in an HttpOnly cookie for security purposes.
  • Mobile apps do not support cookies, so the refresh token is returned in the response. It should be stored securely, using tools such as expo-secure-store or react-native-keychain.
  • Access tokens should be attached to the Authorization header of all authenticated requests as Bearer <accessToken>.
  • Access tokens are only valid for 30 minutes. After expiration, a new access token must be requested using the refresh token (refer to the separate endpoint in the documentation for this process).