React & React NativeFeedsFiltersKeywords Filters

Keywords Filters

The Keywords Filters in Replyke allow developers to filter entities in a feed based on keywords. This filtering mechanism provides a way to include or exclude entities whose keywords match specific criteria. Let’s dive into how it works and how you can utilize it effectively.

Overview of Keywords Filters

The keywordsFilters property can be passed to the FeedProvider as an object with the following structure:

export interface KeywordsFilters {
  includes?: string[];
  doesNotInclude?: string[];
  • includes: Specifies keywords that must be present in an entity’s keywords array for it to be included in the feed.
  • doesNotInclude: Specifies keywords that must not be present in an entity’s keywords array for it to be included in the feed.

You can dynamically update these filters using the updateKeywordsFilters function provided by the useFeed hook.

Dynamically Updating Keywords Filters

The updateKeywordsFilters function allows developers to modify the state of the keywords filters. It provides three actions:

  1. add: Adds new keywords to the specified list (includes or doesNotInclude).
  2. remove: Removes specified keywords from the list.
  3. reset: Resets the specified list to its initial state. You can reset both lists simultaneously.
  4. replace: Replaces the entire array of keywords with a new set. For example:

Important**: When calling updateKeywordsFilters("add", "both", ...) or updateKeywordsFilters("replace", "both", ...), no action is taken, as adding/replacing across both lists simultaneously is not supported.

Here is an example of how to use updateKeywordsFilters:

const { updateKeywordsFilters } = useFeed();
// Adding a keyword to the includes list
updateKeywordsFilters("add", "includes", "React");
// Removing a keyword from the doesNotInclude list
updateKeywordsFilters("remove", "doesNotInclude", "Vue");
// Resetting both lists
updateKeywordsFilters("reset", "both");
// Replacing the includes array with a new array
updateKeywordsFilters("replace", "includes", ["Angular"]); 

How Keywords Filters Work

When the feed is queried, the keywords filters are applied as follows:

  1. Includes: If the includes array contains keywords, only entities whose keywords property contains all these keywords will be included in the feed.
  2. Does Not Include: If the doesNotInclude array contains keywords, entities whose keywords property contains any of these keywords will be excluded from the feed.
  3. Combined: When both includes and doesNotInclude are specified, entities must satisfy both conditions—they must include all keywords from includes and exclude all keywords from doesNotInclude.

Example Use Cases

Passing Static Filters to the FeedProvider

If you want to set static filters as a starting point for your feed, you can pass them directly into the FeedProvider:

  keywordsFilters={{ includes: ["JavaScript", "React"], doesNotInclude: ["Angular"] }}
  <MyFeedComponent />

This setup ensures that the feed is pre-configured to show only posts about “JavaScript” or “React” while excluding posts that mention “Angular.”

Dynamically Updating Filters Based on User Interaction

To dynamically change the filters, such as when a user clicks a keyword button, use the updateKeywordsFilters function from the useFeed hook:

const { updateKeywordsFilters, infusedEntities, loadMore } = useFeed();
const handleKeywordClick = (keyword: string) => {
  updateKeywordsFilters("add", "includes", keyword);
return (
    <h1>Filtered Blog Posts</h1>
      <button onClick={() => handleKeywordClick("JavaScript")}>JavaScript</button>
      <button onClick={() => handleKeywordClick("React")}>React</button>
      <button onClick={() => handleKeywordClick("Angular")}>Exclude Angular</button>
      { => (
        <li key={post.referenceId}>
    <button onClick={loadMore}>Load More</button>

In this example, clicking a button dynamically updates the feed by adding a keyword to the includes filter.

Important Notes

  • The filter updates are applied immediately and reset the feed to ensure that the updated filter conditions are reflected in the data.
  • Invalid or empty keyword values are ignored.
  • Combining includes and doesNotInclude provides a powerful mechanism for fine-tuning the feed results.


The Keywords Filters offer a flexible way to include or exclude entities based on their associated keywords. By leveraging the keywordsFilters property and the updateKeywordsFilters function, you can dynamically tailor the feed to meet your application’s needs. Whether you’re building a blogging platform, an e-commerce site, or a custom app, this filter can help you surface the most relevant content for your users.