API EndpointsEntitiesCreate Entity

Create Entity


URL: https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/entities/

Method: POST

Authentication Required: Optional (Authorization token can be included but is not mandatory)


This endpoint allows users or the system to create a new entity. If an authenticated user makes the request, they can specify their userId, which must match the logged-in user ID. If no userId is provided, the entity can still be created.

Replyke can be integrated on top of existing datasets. Developers can pass the referenceId corresponding to the ID of the item in their dataset. Alternatively, a static string can be passed if an entity should be created for a static element, such as "home-page". If no referenceId is provided, it will default to the automatically generated entity ID.



  • Authorization: Bearer <accessToken> (Optional, must contain a valid access token if userId is provided)

URL Parameters

projectIdstringYesThe project ID associated with the entity.

Request Body

referenceIdstringNoA unique reference ID for the entity. If not provided, it defaults to the entity’s automatically generated ID.
userIdstringNoThe ID of the user creating the entity. If provided, it must match the authenticated user.
titlestringNoThe title of the entity.
contentstringNoThe main content of the entity.
mediaarrayNoAn array containing media objects associated with the entity. The structure of these objects is free-form and determined by the developer.
keywordsarrayNoKeywords related to the entity.
mentionsarrayNoA list of mentioned users. Each mention should follow this format: { "id": "<USER_ID>", "username": "<USERNAME>" }.
locationobjectNoA GeoJSON object containing the location of the entity. Must follow the format { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [longitude, latitude] }.
metadataobjectNoAdditional metadata associated with the entity.

Example Request Body

  "referenceId": "entity-12345",
  "userId": "user-6789",
  "title": "An example entity",
  "content": "This is an example entity content.",
  "media": [{ "type": "image", "url": "https://example.com/image.jpg" }],
  "keywords": ["example", "entity"],
  "mentions": [{ "id": "user-1111", "username": "john_doe" }],
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [120.982, 14.604]
  "metadata": { "category": "news" }


Success Response (200 OK)

  "id": "<ENTITY_ID>",
  "shortId": "<SHORT_ID>",
  "projectId": "<PROJECT_ID>",
  "referenceId": "<REFERENCE_ID>",
  "userId": "<USER_ID>",
  "title": "An example entity",
  "content": "This is an example entity content.",
  "media": [{ "type": "image", "url": "https://example.com/image.jpg" }],
  "keywords": ["example", "entity"],
  "mentions": [{ "id": "user-1111", "username": "john_doe" }],
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [120.982, 14.604]
  "upvotes": [],
  "downvotes": [],
  "sharesCount": 0,
  "views": 0,
  "score": 0,
  "metadata": { "category": "news" },
  "createdAt": "<TIMESTAMP>",
  "updatedAt": "<TIMESTAMP>",
  "deletedAt": null

Error Responses

Unauthorized User (403 Forbidden)

  "error": "You do not have permission to create this entity."

Reason: The userId provided does not match the authenticated user.

Invalid Project ID (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "Invalid projectId, project does not exist"

Reason: The specified projectId does not exist.

Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)

  "error": "Server error"

Reason: An unexpected error occurred while processing the request.


  • If userId is provided, it must match the authenticated user making the request.
  • The Authorization header is optional, but if included, it must contain a valid access token.
  • The entity can be created without an authenticated user, depending on the project’s requirements.
  • If referenceId is not provided, it will default to the entity’s automatically generated ID.
  • shortId is also automatically generated and can be used to create shorter URLs for entities.
  • The mentions array allows tagging users in the entity.
  • The structure of media objects is free-form and can be defined by the developer based on their needs.