

The useFetchSingleComment hook allows you to retrieve a specific comment by its ID. It optionally includes the parent comment, making it useful for displaying threaded comment structures or fetching detailed comment data.

Usage Example

import { useFetchSingleComment } from "@replyke/react-js";
function CommentDetails({ commentId }: { commentId: string }) {
  const fetchSingleComment = useFetchSingleComment();
  const handleFetchSingleComment = async () => {
    try {
      const { comment, parentComment } = await fetchSingleComment({
        withParent: true,
      console.log("Fetched comment:", comment);
      console.log("Parent comment:", parentComment);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Failed to fetch comment:", error.message);
  return <button onClick={handleFetchSingleComment}>Fetch Comment</button>;

Parameters & Returns


The hook returns a function that accepts an object with the following fields:

commentIdstringYesThe ID of the comment to fetch.
withParentbooleanNoWhether to include the parent comment.


The function resolves with an object containing the comment and optionally its parent comment:

Return ValueTypeDescription
commentCommentThe details of the fetched comment.
parentCommentComment | nullThe parent comment, if requested.