API EndpointsEntitiesFetch Single Entity

Fetch Single Entity


URL: https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/entities/single

Method: GET

Authentication Required: No


This endpoint fetches a single entity based on one of the following identifiers: referenceId, entityId, or shortId. If the entity does not exist and the createIfNotFound parameter is set to true, a new entity with the specified referenceId will be created.



  • Authorization: Bearer <accessToken> (Optional)

URL Parameters

projectIdstringYesThe project ID associated with the request.

Query Parameters

referenceIdstringConditionalFetches the entity with this reference ID. Required if entityId and shortId are not provided.
entityIdstringConditionalFetches the entity by its internal ID. Required if referenceId and shortId are not provided.
shortIdstringConditionalFetches the entity using its short identifier. Required if referenceId and entityId are not provided.
createIfNotFoundbooleanNoIf true and an entity with the provided referenceId does not exist, a new one will be created. Only applicable when using referenceId. Default: false.

Example Request URLs

Fetch by reference ID:

GET https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/entities/single?referenceId=home-page

Fetch by entity ID:

GET https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/entities/single?entityId=12345

Fetch by short ID:

GET https://api.replyke.com/:projectId/entities/single?shortId=abc123


Success Response (200 OK)

  "id": "<ENTITY_ID>",
  "projectId": "<PROJECT_ID>",
  "referenceId": "<REFERENCE_ID>",
  "userId": "<USER_ID>",
  "title": "Entity Title",
  "content": "Entity content...",
  "keywords": ["example", "topic"],
  "mentions": [{ "id": "user-1111", "username": "john_doe" }],
  "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [120.982, 14.604] },
  "upvotes": [],
  "downvotes": [],
  "sharesCount": 0,
  "views": 0,
  "score": 0,
  "metadata": { "category": "news" },
  "createdAt": "<TIMESTAMP>",
  "updatedAt": "<TIMESTAMP>",
  "deletedAt": null

No Content Response (204 No Content)

Occurs when no entity is found and createIfNotFound is false.

Error Responses

Invalid Query Parameter (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "Missing projectId or a valid referenceId/entityId/shortId in request query"

Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)

  "error": "Server error"


  • At least one of referenceId, entityId, or shortId must be provided.
  • referenceId is useful when integrating Replyke on top of an existing dataset, allowing developers to link entities with external data.
  • If createIfNotFound=true is used with a referenceId and no matching entity is found, a new entity will be created.
  • The shortId is automatically generated when an entity is created and can be used for shorter URLs.