EntitiesEntity object

Entity Object Overview

Interface Definition

export interface Entity {
  id: string;
  referenceId: string;
  shortId: string;
  projectId: string;
  user?: UserLean | null;
  title: string | null;
  content: string | null;
  mentions: Mention[];
  media: Record<string, any>[];
  keywords: string[];
  upvotes: string[];
  downvotes: string[];
  repliesCount: number;
  views: number;
  score: number;
  scoreUpdatedAt: Date;
  location: {
    type: "Point";
    coordinates: [number, number];
  } | null;
  metadata: Record<string, any>;
  topComment?: TopComment | null;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;
  deletedAt: Date | null;


Core Properties

  • id: A unique identifier for the entity. This is required for distinguishing entities within the system.

  • referenceId: If the entity is integrated on top of existing data, this field references the original item’s ID in your system. It can also accept static values (e.g., “about-page” for static content).

  • shortId: An automatically generated, unique identifier that can be used for creating sharing links.

  • projectId: Identifies the project to which the entity belongs.

User and Content

  • user: Contains basic user information for the creator of the entity. This field might be null, as not all entities are necessarily created by users (e.g., static entities like “home-page”).

  • title: The title of the entity. Nullable.

  • content: The main content of the entity. Nullable.

  • mentions: An array of Mention objects, representing users mentioned within the content. Each Mention object includes a user’s ID and username.

Media and Tags

  • media: An array of JSON objects holding information about media items attached to the entity. Developers can define any structure for these objects. For example, they might include fields like url (an external URL where the media is stored), size, or format, but these are only examples and not required.

  • keywords: An array of keywords or tags associated with the entity. Useful for filtering feeds or searches.

Votes and Interactions

  • upvotes: An array of user IDs representing users who upvoted the entity.

  • downvotes: An array of user IDs representing users who downvoted the entity.

  • repliesCount: The total number of comments and replies associated with the entity.

Analytics and Scoring

  • views: The total number of views the entity has received.

  • score: A “hotness” score for the entity, automatically generated based on user activity.

  • scoreUpdatedAt: The timestamp of the last score update.

Location and Metadata

  • location: An optional property for storing the location of the entity as a GeoJSON point. For example, this could represent the location of a hotel listing. It includes:

    • type: Always set to “Point”.
    • coordinates: An array containing [longitude, latitude].
  • metadata: A JSON object for storing additional data about the entity that is relevant to the project. Limited to 10KB in size.

Top Comment

  • topComment: If the entity has at least one comment, this field will hold the data for the top comment. Otherwise, it remains null.


  • createdAt: The timestamp for when the entity was created.

  • updatedAt: The timestamp for the most recent update to the entity.

  • deletedAt: The timestamp for when the entity was deleted, if applicable. Otherwise, it is null.

Example Use Cases

  1. Social Media Post:
  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
  "content": "Check out this amazing sunset!",
  "media": [
    { "url": "https://example.com/media/sunset.jpg", "size": "2MB" }
  "keywords": ["sunset", "nature"],
  "user": { "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001", "name": "John Doe" }
  1. Marketplace Product:
  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440002",
  "title": "Wireless Earbuds",
  "content": "Experience high-quality sound with our new earbuds.",
  "media": [],
  "keywords": ["electronics", "audio"]
  1. Static Usage (About Page):
  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440003",
  "referenceId": "about-page",
  "title": "About Us",
  "content": "Welcome to our platform. Here is what we do.",
  "media": [],
  "user": null
  1. Location-Based Usage (Hotel Listing):
  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440004",
  "title": "Cozy Beachside Hotel",
  "content": "Enjoy your stay at our beautiful beachside hotel.",
  "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [34.0522, -118.2437] },
  "metadata": { "rating": 4.5, "price": "199.99" },
  "user": { "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440005", "name": "Hotel Owner" }

Flexibility for Integration

The Entity object is designed to be flexible. Developers can wrap entities around existing data without altering the original dataset. This feature ensures Replyke can be integrated seamlessly into projects with pre-existing data structures, making it easier to adopt Replyke’s features without significant changes to the underlying system.