AuthenticationUser Object

Understanding the User Object and useUser Hook

Replyke provides a simple way to access and manage user information using the useUser hook. This hook is automatically available as part of the AuthProvider, so there is no need to wrap your app with an additional user provider.

The useUser Hook

The useUser hook provides access to the user context and exposes two key properties:

  1. user: An object containing information about the authenticated user.
  2. updateUser: A function to update the user’s details.

The User Object

The user object includes the following properties:

export type User = {
  id: string; // Unique identifier for the user in Replyke
  referenceId: string | null; // Unique identifier for the user in the external user system
  email: string | null; // User's email address
  name: string | null; // User's display name
  username: string | null; // User's unique username
  avatar: string | null; // URL to the user's avatar image
  bio: string | null; // User's bio (limited to 300 characters)
  birthdate: Date | null; // User's birthdate
  reputation: number; // Managed by Replyke based on user activity
  location: {
    type: "Point";
    coordinates: [number, number]; // [longitude, latitude]
  } | null; // Optional GeoJSON location
  metadata: Record<string, any>; // Custom metadata (max size: 10KB)
  suspension: {
    isSuspended: boolean; // Indicates if the user is suspended
    reason: string | null; // Reason for suspension (if any)
    startDate: Date | null; // Suspension start date
    endDate: Date | null; // Suspension end date (null for indefinite)
  createdAt: Date; // User creation date

This comprehensive user object allows developers to access and display essential user information while maintaining flexibility for additional project-specific data.

Updating User Information

The updateUser function allows developers to update user details. It accepts an object with the following properties:

export type UpdateUserParams = {
  name?: string | null; // Update the user's name
  username?: string | null; // Update the user's username
  avatar?: string | null; // Update the user's avatar
  bio?: string; // Update the user's bio
  birthdate?: Date | null; // Update the user's birthdate
  location?: {
    latitude: number;
    longitude: number;
  } | null; // Update the user's location
  metadata?: Record<string, any>; // Update custom metadata

Example Usage of updateUser

Here are examples of how to use the updateUser function to modify user details:

Updating Basic User Information
const { updateUser } = useUser();
const updateName = async () => {
  try {
    await updateUser({
      name: "John Doe",
      username: "johndoe123",
    console.log("User updated successfully!");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error updating user:", error);
Updating User Metadata
const { updateUser } = useUser();
const updateMetadata = async () => {
  try {
    await updateUser({
      metadata: {
        favoriteColor: "blue",
        interests: ["coding", "gaming"],
    console.log("Metadata updated successfully!");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error updating metadata:", error);
Updating User Location
const { updateUser } = useUser();
const updateLocation = async () => {
  try {
    await updateUser({
      location: {
        type: "Point",
        coordinates: [-73.935242, 40.73061], // New York City coordinates
    console.log("Location updated successfully!");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error updating location:", error);


The useUser hook is a powerful tool for accessing and managing user data in Replyke. By understanding the structure of the user object and how to use updateUser, developers can create seamless and personalized user experiences. If you have any additional metadata or user-specific details to handle, the metadata property provides ample flexibility.