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Blog Style Integration


1. loginClickCallback

Purpose: Triggers when a user clicks the login button.

Use Case: Essential for redirecting to an authentication page or opening a login modal.


loginClickCallback={() => { /* open authentication modal */ }}

2. commentAuthorClickCallback

Purpose: Executes when a user clicks on a comment author's name or avatar.

Use Case: Useful for navigating to the author's profile page or initiating a chat.


commentAuthorClickCallback={(authorId) => { /* navigate to author's profile */ }}

3. currentUserClickCallback

Purpose: Activated when a user clicks their own name or avatar in a comment.

Use Case: Ideal for directing to the user's own profile or settings.


currentUserClickCallback={() => { /* navigate to user's profile */ }}

These callbacks provide a seamless integration with your existing user management system, enhancing the overall user experience in your application.

Managing Guests

  • When user is undefined (no user logged in), Replyke displays a login button.
  • This feature caters to situations where users are not logged in, inviting them to authenticate to interact with the comment system.

This design allows Replyke to offer a consistent and integrated commenting experience, whether users are logged in or browsing as guests.